A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, I co-authored a book with Nevin Berger, Michael Arent and Fred Sampson on Excel Prototyping for Software Makers. Yes, really using Excel as a software prototyping software. It is still a good idea, although the version of excel have evolved so it makes the book not as helpful as it once was. Nevertheless, for some people look for a simple fast prototyping tool Excel is still attractive for some.
There even seems to be renewed interest in our book: http://www.amazon.com/Effective-Prototyping-Excel-Interactive-Technologies-ebook/dp/B003FK5PWA/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1391438838&sr=8-3&keywords=excel+prototyping. Unlike the book link on the left this one will make me no money via Amazon, which is only fair since the book is dated and no plans are made to update it.
The problem with this renewed interest in our book is our web site has died a slow painful death. The web site is where we made our prototype templates available.
So to facilitate a place to get these templates, I am posting them right here, enjoy:
If you have any problems downloading post a message here, but please be polite.
Lastly, I am using Google Drive so if you have a problem with the way Google Drive works that's not an issue I can solve.
03 February 2014
22 January 2014
Taking the Fast RIDE: Designing While Being Agile
A new year and a new post in my less than active blog, here is an article that originally appeared in interactions magazine.
While many design methods are practiced “in the wild,” the
most prevalent one appears to be “Design first and ask questions later”—also
known as “Throw it over the wall and see if anybody salutes,” “Launch first,
fix later,” and so on. Whatever you call them, these approaches are all
responses to the pressure for rapid turnaround man- dated by Agile and other
high-speed development environments. These design approaches are all proven
methods—that is, proven to create Frankenstein UIs within a mere two to three
iterations: That’s speed.
A single-minded focus on speed guarantees that these methods
produce poor user experiences, because they do not allow for the reflection
and deliberation necessary to achieve high-quality, coherent design. Instead,
speed breeds pragmatic short-term solutions. An interaction style gets locked
down in the early sprints. Then other ad hoc interaction styles emerge for
parts added later. Too much emphasis on reactive speed reduces design to puzzle
fitting: How can I put this new square-peg function into my round-hole
I am concerned that in an attempt to adapt to the pressure
for speed, designers are failing to uphold what we know is good design
practice. We compromise too much of the interaction strategy y in order to “
just get down to it.” The end result is competing styles, competing imagery,
and unintelligible system/conceptual models.
Agile and the Emperor’s New Clothes
How do you get out of this cycle and still survive in the
context of fast Agile or pseudo-Agile (aka reckless) release cycles?
This question may sound odd, coming after years of our
learning to live in Agile environments. Agile’s true believers may argue that
the whole point of Agile is not about producing speed, but instead about
creating a structured process to produce high- quality results in the face of
the pressure toward speed (which Agile itself did not create).
But there are obvious incompatibilities between Agile and
the needs of good design practice. Unfortunately, an emperor’s new clothes
mentality has developed in which it is not acceptable for user experience
people to point these out. Instead, we become mock up
monkeys scurrying to meet the next sprint deadline, throwing
in features and widgets at whim.
Part of the problem is that Agile’s own best practices are
often not followed—for example, and most important, the regression testing,
which introduces some flexibility in Agile software development. People tend to
claim that Agile is iterative, but without regression testing, it is too often
practiced in a piecemeal manner, wherein once something is developed it cannot
easily be changed. This makes the emerging Agile practices look a lot like an
incremental Waterfall development process. Once sprints begin, the train has
left the station. You are then stuck with design decisions made at Sprint 0 or
1, with little ability to iterate on basic concepts.
Perhaps you have heard statements like this or experienced
things like this in Agile environments:
- Sprint 1: “Designer, just do something, anything, right now so we can get some feedback—we can always change it later.”
- Sprint 2: “Designer, sorry, we can’t make changes anymore—that would affect the back end.”
- Sprint 3: “Oh, we can’t do that because of lack of resources. You have to stick with your current design. Of course, you can always tack on a new visual design.”
As common and frustrating as this sequence of events sounds,
the main point is not just that things keep changing; it is that the serial
structure of Agile sprints, which may make sense for engineering, does not fit
for design. Often with the best of intentions, designers are either too lazy to
push back or intimidated into thinking serially instead of conceptually. This
fundamental mistake causes poor design.
Design does not proceed by dividing a complex problem into
parts and then working on them sequentially. Design is more of a layered
process, moving from broad concepts to devilishly (or heavenly) detailed
design. Broad design concepts, overall IA, and key interaction models need to
be established first. This conceptual design then guides the detailed designs.
Then, as this detailed design progresses, some detailed decisions may fracture
the existing overall concepts, showing their limitations. This speaks of the
need to supply feedback from the detailed design work back to the underlying
conceptual layer.
Establishing a successful conceptual design calls for
intensive collaboration between designers and researchers. I would advocate
(hence my article’s inclusion in this section of interactions) that in Agile
environments, designers and researchers need to be joined at the hip more than
ever. They need to work in close concert in order to be as strategically and
tactically “agile” as possible.
What About RITE?
Rapid Iterative Testing and Evaluation (RITE) is one of the
main ways of trying to incorporate an iterative user-centered design mind-set
into an Agile development process. It also joins research and design by
coupling testing with quick design revisions. (See Medlock, M.C., Wixon, D., McGee, M., and Welsh, D. The Rapid Iterative Test and Evaluation Method: Better products in less time. In Cost Justifying Usability. G. Bias and D. Mayhew, eds. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 2005, 489-517.] for more information on
RITE.) RITE does ensure some feedback from testing into design. However, in my
observation, it does not address the mismatch between Agile and good design
RITE is too reactive and tactical; it also does not address
the need to support early, deep design work. It actually separates the testing
activity from the interaction design activity by fragmenting the team, and puts
both design and research in a reactive, entirely tactical mode. I have seen
teams where the usability researchers are consumed with scrambling to plan and
set up a test of features on parts of a couple of pages.
Meanwhile the design team is moving on to design some other
part. Soon the usability researchers are scrambling equally reactively to test
features from the next pages under development. The result is that no one ever
evaluates the overall concept or architecture, or even the contextual fit of
the application as a whole.
RITE’s testing-led approach to design improves design
incrementally. There is nothing inherently wrong with this, as long as one is
testing the right things. Unfortunately, this practice will never lead to that,
especially as testing will tend to focus on what is being worked on in a given
sprint. RITE also can lead to a kind of tyranny of testing.
Testing is an important evaluation technique. But a good
researcher knows to mix a cocktail of different evaluative techniques to come
up with a far richer view of the system and its user. RITE’s pragmatism never
gets to the level of sophistication needed for a holistic design evaluation.
The RIDE Alternative
There are better ways. In this design-hostile environment, I
advocate a design method I call Rapid Iterative Design and Evaluation (RIDE).
In addition to rapidness, it emphasizes inter play between design and research,
beginning with conceptual design, where every evaluation is not necessarily a
test. The method also allows for alter native evaluation methods for specific
iterations. Moreover, it includes partnering with engineering and product
management to rapidly work through multiple concepts. This allows the team to
identify the backbone of concepts. These backbones (as opposed to key user
stories) get developed/ evaluated first. This places UX strategic design
decisions up front, where they belong. While these strategic decisions are
still made in the context of a sprint, RIDE respects the need for the layered
design thinking needed to design a system holistically.
RIDE strives to do this by:
• encouraging the design team (by which I mean to include
ever y- body with design input—interaction designers, visual designers, user
experience researchers, and, yes, even engineers) to work faster through
collaborating rather than working in isolation;
- respecting the best practices of UCD/HCI/design; and
- encouraging the development and evaluation of multiple design concepts at each stage.
The main ingredients of RIDE are:
- Understanding the product context
- UX Planning—establishing cross-disciplinary collaboration
- Defining UX goals
- Rapidly generating and evaluating multiple design concepts
- Holistic iteration.
The first two steps here belong in the product-definition
phase before the sprint cycles begin. Since Agile promotes fragmentation, a
holistic view of the product should first be developed. Unlike a traditional
UCD project, the concept is developed in broad strokes, leaving the further
definition to the sprints.
Understanding product context
Understanding product context— taking time to understand the users and usage context.
The product context is an essential element in the
definition of the product. This effort, led by product management, includes
development, design, and research. It helps clarify the product landscape, the
users, and their environment. Design helps to visualize this definition through
the rapid sketching of multiple concepts. These concepts are done quickly and
iteratively, as more and
more information is gained about the product. The end result
is a basis for a product requirements document (PRD) and two to three credible
alternative UX directions.
UX planning
UX planning—establishing
cross- disciplinary collaboration at each phase.
Design and research create a UX plan, which is meant to span
the design and sprint iterations. The plan anticipates the possibility that
some research and design
activities stretch over sprints. This is the strategic plan
to achieve
the design goal of the product and includes identifying the
types of evaluation, research, and design activities that will take place and
when. Again, this plan does not follow sprint planning but will take it into
account. After every sprint, the plan can be reiterated based on the usually
unexpected outcomes of the sprint.
The RIDE UX plan also creates the possibility for each
stakeholder to influence, guide, and inspire the design at all levels. RIDE
acknowledges that design is not done in a vacuum. The more isolated it is from
other disciplines, the more discontinuity and signal interference will arise in
the UX. Rather than separating UX design into individual sub-disciplines
(visual, information, interaction, engineering, product management, and other
stakeholders), these all need to work together, because each part of UX design
informs, feeds, and inspires the others.
For example, there is nothing to prevent a researcher or
engineer from coming up with a great interaction design solution. Nor a
designer coming up with a better analysis of the data. Quite to the
contrary—combining their differing perspectives almost guarantees new,
innovative ideas. We need not be afraid of a plethora of ideas. Some designers
in fact fear engineers making design decisions. Yet if the developer is in tune
with the larger design concepts, the chances of their having a good point are
significantly increased over when they do not. And further, good designers should
be able to defend and persuade stakeholders of the value of their designs;
otherwise they might have to face the possibility that they may be wrong.
Outside of these core stakeholders, there is another equally
important outer circle. These people include anyone who is taking vital
interest in the user experience
and has the power to influence it for good or evil—anyone
from developers to marketers to CEOs. Without cultivating their support from
the beginning and working to keep them on board, you risk having progress
derailed later by random changes of direction. In this planning phase, one
should engage them early and on the most abstract level they can stomach:
product definition. Get them to wrestle with the big conceptual design choices
before development starts. Support from them also strengthens your mandate to
execute on the concept.
Of course, nothing guarantees that the CEO won’t insist on
purple buttons late in the game; however, in an Agile environment, this is less
likely to happen if the stakeholders are on board when the conceptual train
leaves the station.
Without this plan, you have to find some way of dealing with
these outer-circle UX inputs. Research may give you a chance to resolve design
debates objectively, but the Agile timeline typically does not allow for this.
The best defense is to make them partners proactively in the design process.
Include as many stakeholders early on in brain- storming sessions where the
conceptual design is worked out.
Defining UX goals.
Before the beginning of a sprint, it is important to establish the UX goals.
These goals require four types of iteration: product definition, conceptual
design, detailed design, and evaluation activities. I don’t mean to suggest
that these are serial types of goals; rather, they are all interconnected. In
the early sprints, the accent may be on product definition, moving to
conceptual design. But even these should be done in service of the detailed
design. This way, activities do double duty: iterating the practical short-term
goals and informing /evaluating the strategic longer-term goals.
These goals are also planned along three time scales:
• The project end—progress to product release
• The current UX plan timeline— the current planned and ad
hoc UX activities
• The current sprint—a time snapshot of the current state of
the UX goals.
Rapidly generating and evaluating multiple design concepts.
Designer and researcher work on a coordinated effort at
designing, evaluating, and then iterating during the sprint. Many parallel activities
are driven by the design strategy, not by a reactive “test and see what
happens” approach. It is much different from RITE in that the UX goals will
determine the strategy for the sprint. The evaluations may or may not trigger
reiteration; they may just inform. They can also split off another design
variation for exploration. This depends on the agreed-upon evaluation
activities: Are they formative or evaluative? Are they abstract or concrete?
Will they help find a synthesis among competing ideas? Researcher and designer
are partners in this effort. In parallel, longer and different activities
(focus groups, interviews, cognitive walk-throughs, etc.) are being done to
triangulate with data from other evaluations.
Holistic iteration.
This involves evaluation at the strategic level in parallel
with detailed design. Detailed designs sometimes will trigger refinement of the
conceptual design and vice-versa. Moreover, evaluations can touch visual,
interaction, information, and system design issues— one cannot predict which.
Therefore, many design disciplines involved can lead to vastly different
results. For example, when a particular design tests poorly, an interaction
designer might change the interaction. A visual designer might change
typography, colors, and so on. This leads again to incremental and non-holistic
revisions. Real iteration would involve these different design disciplines and
find ways to distribute the answer among all the design elements, thereby
coming up with a far more robust iteration. Holistic iteration also means
assuring the deliver y of what engineering needs to meet their goals and their
management objectives. Meeting this need will, of course, mean trade-offs on
design. This is why having engineering in the core team is essential. Any
development method that ignores or frustrates the engineering team’s management
goals will fail.
RIDE is a richer design methodology because it leverages a
collaboration of all stakeholders. It encourages exploration through a reliance
on multiple design options that are synthesized, as opposed to a single option
that is puzzle-fitted with additional features. RIDE seeks to find a holistic
solution for Agile design and development, not just a tool for rapid changes to
a single concept. But most important, it tries to find the right way for design
(interaction, visual,
and information) to work with researchers: joined at the
hip. It also requires strength and energy, because--as with any quality
UX--there is no free RIDE.
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